The Story of Stutor: Student Struggles to Innovative App

The Problem

As a former student athlete at Brigham Young University (BYU), C.J. Lee knows what it means to juggle the regular demands of college life on top of his endeavors in golf (12 to 14 weekends spent on the road a year).

© BYU PHOTO 2017

While in the throws of this balancing act, Lee came to the realization that he couldn’t be the only one grappling with this delicate balance. With a spark of brilliance and a heart full of compassion, he set out to explore the experiences of his fellow student athletes.

In his quest, Lee unearthed a remarkable truth—a truth that resonated beyond the realm of athletics. He discovered a multitude of students, from all walks of life, who were wrestling with the same challenges.

He noted that overloaded schedules made it nearly impossible to find time for academic support. Some found reprieve in informal tutoring from their peers during late-night study sessions, but that just simply was not good enough for Lee.

This revelation sparked a fire within Lee—a fire fueled by the desire to make a difference. He recognized that modern technology held the key to connecting students in need with knowledgeable tutors who had already conquered similar academic hurdles.

The Solution

Thus, the vision for Stutor was born—a tutoring app poised to reshape the twenty-first-century learning landscape. Similar to platforms like Uber, a student needed the ability to page a tutor at any time and in any place.

Lee understood that the traditional methods of tutoring were in dire need of a makeover. They lacked the speed, accessibility, and personalized support that students craved.

It was time to break free from the shackles of convention and create a platform tailored to the unique needs of students. The world needed a platform that would provide relatable tutors who truly understood their struggles.

But, did anything like this already exist? Surprisingly, no. CJ attributes this to the rigid, unchanging nature of academia in its general sense. This is compounded by an ongoing stigma that only “nerdy” students can tutor.

He wanted to break this norm. In his eyes, the best way to tutor a college student is to find another student who took the same class (perhaps with the same professor).

Validation, Development, and Launch

So, Lee embarked on the arduous journey of developing the Stutor app. He encountered obstacles along the way, but his unwavering determination propelled him forward. It was during this time that fate smiled upon him, leading him to Joel Joseph—who became the perfect partner to bring Stutor to life.

Seeking validation and reassurance, Lee and Joseph turned to the student community. They conducted a survey across various universities, and the response was nothing short of awe-inspiring. An overwhelming 99.8% of respondents expressed eagerness to download the app, showcasing an immense appetite for the platform.

With the addition of Tyler Crawford and fueled by the enthusiasm of their potential users, the Stutor team poured their hearts and souls into app development. Days and nights melded together as they made astonishing progress in record time.

Fast forward to April 2023, the apps launched. It was the culmination of hard work contributed by the—now grown—Stutor team.

As CJ sat at a booth set up to promote the app on Utah Valley University Campus, he realized that his vision was a reality.

But, the story of Stutor is just beginning!

Learn more about what distinguishes the two platforms Stutor and Stutor+ at this link.

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Top 10 Study Tips For College Students

“By the end of my career, I probably only used 5% of what I had learned in college. Nonetheless, I am grateful that my experience in college taught me how to learn,” shares a 80-year-old retired engineer who obtained his PhD at the age of 24.

College life is not just about textbooks and exams; it’s a time of growth and exploration and learning how to learn.

To help you make the most out of your academic journey, we’ve put together a list of ten fun and effective study tips. By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you’ll not only boost your academic success but also add an element of enjoyment to your studying experience.

So, let’s dive in and discover how you can study smarter while having a blast!


1. Power Up with Study Playlists

Create customized study playlists that match your mood and enhance your focus. Whether it’s upbeat tunes or instrumental melodies, music can elevate your study sessions and make them more enjoyable.

Experiment with different genres and find what works best for you. Feel free to comment below with your music suggestions! Or—better yet—share it with our Instagram fam!

Instagram Music Suggestions

2. Gamify Your Learning:

Turn studying into a game by using educational apps and platforms that offer interactive quizzes and challenges. Check out our recent article about three fun apps to incorporate into your study regiments.

3. Embrace the Pomodoro Technique:

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that breaks study sessions into focused intervals. Be sure to grab a snack, do some jumping jacks, or run in circles in the short interval breaks.

The Pomodoro Technique Explained (SWIPE)

  • Pick one project or task you want to focus on.
  • Set a timer for 25-30 minutes, and get to work.
  • When the buzzer sounds, take a two-to-three-minute break.
  • Repeat.
  • After four sessions, take a longer break.


4. Engage in Group Study Sessions:

Studying with friends doesn’t have to be boring! Organize group study sessions where you can collaborate, share ideas, and support each other. 

Take turns explaining concepts in your own unique ways, quiz each other, or create fun mnemonics together. Learning becomes a social and engaging experience. Just be careful about getting distracted. Many of us have those experiences of “studying” with friends AKA goofing off in the library.

5. Create Colorful Study Materials:

Add a splash of color to your study routine by using vibrant markers, highlighters, and sticky notes. Color code your notes, create mind maps, or draw diagrams that capture your attention.

Visual cues and playful visuals can make studying more exciting and help you remember information better. This is particularly pertinent if you are a visual learner*.

6. Turn Learning into Storytelling:

Transform dull facts and figures into captivating stories. Connect ideas together and create narratives that make the content more memorable. By weaving a story around what you’re studying, you’ll engage your imagination and make learning a thrilling adventure.

Want to take this a step further? Teach our friend or family member. The very act of teaching another person—called the protégé effect—can drastically improve retention.

7. Break Out of Routine:

Change up your study environment occasionally to keep things fresh and exciting. Head to a cozy café, study in a park, or find a comfortable spot on campus. Exploring new study locations can stimulate creativity. It can also bring a sense of adventure to your learning journey. The four walls of your apartment can get old real quick.

8. Reward Yourself:

Set up a reward system to celebrate your study milestones. After completing a challenging task or acing an exam, treat yourself to something you enjoy—a movie night, a favorite snack, or an outing with friends. Knowing that a reward awaits will motivate you to stay focused and make studying feel more rewarding.

9. Incorporate Hands-On Activities:

When possible, opt for hands-on activities that align with your coursework. For example, if you’re studying biology, conduct experiments or create models to bring concepts to life. Engaging your senses and actively participating in your learning process can make studying a fun and immersive experience. This is particularly applicable to kinesthetic learners*.

10. Embrace the Power of Humor:

Inject humor into your study routine to make it more enjoyable. Create silly mnemonics, make puns related to your subject matter, or find funny YouTube videos or memes that relate to your topics. Think back to those Schoolhouse Rock days.

Laughter can lighten the mood, reduce stress, and make even the most challenging subjects more approachable.

Studying doesn’t have to be a monotonous task. By incorporating these fun and effective study tips into your college routine, you’ll see quick changes in the quality of your studying!


*Still unsure which type of learning styles resonate with you? Check out this graphic or take this short quiz!

Stutor’s Place in the Gig Economy Revolution

March 17, 2020. My rollercoaster, fun-filled freshman year at college came to a halting stop. My life was packed in the back of an old Mustang as I returned to my home in California with no clear idea of what lay ahead. 

No need to rehash it for you. The world was in disarray. A virus was on the loose.

People still needed to eat though. In fact, people seemed to want to eat more (and I’m not just saying that). Stress and uncertainty can do that to you. What did I do to capitalize on this? I downloaded the Doordash app. Gamechanger. 

It literally was a game. How much money could I make in a day? How efficient could I be? How would I optimize my location and the peak hours? These questions engrossed me.

In recent years, the job market has been transformed by gig jobs like Doordash. But why? I can think of a couple reasons, namely flexibility, autonomy, diverse skill development, and increased earning opportunities. And maybe the fun, too.

In this article, I’ll explore how the gig economy has contributed to job creation and examine the factors driving its growth. I’ll also discuss how Stutor fits into this category of gig jobs. 

Understanding the Gig Economy

What does gig economy even mean? The gig economy gets its name from individual tasks of work being akin to a ‘gig’. It is also referred to as a “sharing economy” or “collaborative economy”. How wholesome.

The gig economy is characterized by temporary, flexible, and on-demand work arrangements. Gig jobs may involve freelancing, independent contracting, or providing services through digital platforms (like Stutor!). 

Because of this freedom, workers in the gig economy typically have the freedom to choose their own projects, set their own schedules, and work with multiple clients simultaneously.

Factors Driving the Growth of Gig Jobs

For many, gig jobs help them cover gaps in income or create more of a cushion of savings. Others report that they are engaged in the gig market to control their schedule or be their own boss. 

Whatever the reason, roughly 16% of the American workforce is gig workers. That is about 1 in 6 workers. How is this happening?

Let’s explore some of the driving factors. 

Technology. That fancy phone you got in your hand? Yep. The growth of gig jobs can largely be attributed to the rapid advancement of technology, particularly the internet and mobile connectivity. This infrastructure provides the perfect grounds to support gig work.

COVID-19. If it was not already so, the pandemic changed the modern workforce to seek more flexibility, autonomy, and a better work-life balance. Gig jobs offer precisely that, allowing individuals to work on their terms, choose projects that align with their interests, and enjoy a flexible schedule.

Cost Efficiency for Businesses. Gig jobs offer businesses a cost-effective alternative to hiring full-time employees. Instead of incurring fixed labor costs, businesses can engage gig workers on a project-by-project basis, reducing overhead expenses while accessing specialized skills as needed.

Stutor in the Gig Economy

I remember first explaining Stutor to my parents. I babbled for five minutes, trying to help them understand the simple business model. My explanation was falling flat on its face. Then I hit the golden line: “It is like Uber… but for tutoring!” Immediately, their heads tilted back in understanding. 

Stutor could be a brick-and-mortar tutoring business, but where is the draw in that? 

Stutor could hire professional teachers to tutor students, but where is the draw in that? 

Instead, Stutor leverages mobile apps to create a simplified process to connect students—at the same university—to each other for tutoring. 

Here’s how Stutor aligns with the principles of the gig economy:

  1. On-Demand Service: Stutor runs 24/7 for students to get the help they need when they need it. This allows those being tutored to find tutors quickly when they require assistance, and tutors can fill their schedules with sessions that align with their schedules. 
  2. Rating and Reviews: Like other gig platforms, Stutor incorporates a rating and review system. Positive reviews and high ratings can help tutors build a reputation within the app and attract more students, fostering a competitive yet supportive environment (think my 2020 Doordash fun). 
  3. Payment Structure: Tutors are paid for their services on a per-session basis, and the app platform takes a commission or service fee for facilitating the connection between tutors and students. This pay-as-you-go model aligns with the gig economy’s focus on task-based payment rather than traditional employment contracts.

As the gig economy continues to evolve, it will likely play an even more significant role in the future of employment. The flexibility and opportunities it offers will attract individuals seeking alternative work arrangements, while businesses will continue to embrace the cost-effective benefits of engaging gig workers. Ultimately, the gig economy revolution is reshaping traditional employment models and paving the way for a more dynamic and flexible workforce.

Boost Your Study Game with These 3 Helpful Apps

In this blog post, we will suggest three fun and helpful apps that will revolutionize your studying experience. Say goodbye to boredom and hello to productivity!

Forest: Be the Master of Focus

Do you find yourself constantly distracted by social media or cat videos? Forest is here to save the day! This ingenious productivity app transforms staying focused into a delightful game. 

Plant a virtual tree and watch it grow as long as you resist the temptation to leave the app. With Forest, you’ll nurture your concentration skills while creating a beautiful digital forest. Study and save the world, one tree at a time!

Evernote: Your Study Companion

Imagine having all your study materials in one organized place. That’s where Evernote comes in. This versatile note-taking app allows you to capture your thoughts, compile lecture notes, attach images, record audio, and even annotate PDFs. 

Stay on top of your game by seamlessly organizing your study materials and accessing them from any device. Say goodbye to scattered notes and hello to an organized study paradise!

Quizlet: Learn, Test, Repeat!

Are you tired of traditional studying methods? Quizlet is the answer! This dynamic study app offers various learning modes to cater to your preferences. Dive into flashcards, challenge yourself with quizzes, or engage in exciting games. 

Quizlet also boasts an extensive library of user-generated study sets covering a wide range of subjects. So, whether you’re studying history, biology, or even pop culture trivia, Quizlet has got your back!

Studying doesn’t have to be a dull and monotonous task. With these three fun and helpful apps, you can inject excitement and efficiency into your study routine. These apps are here to make your academic journey more enjoyable and rewarding. So, go ahead, explore these apps, and unleash your full studying potential! Get ready to conquer exams with a smile on your face. Happy studying!

Why You Need to Add Tutoring to Your Resume

“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different” (Coco Chanel).

Amidst today’s cutthroat job market, standing out from the crowd is no easy feat. How do you captivate interviewers and land your dream job? The secret lies in showcasing unique skills and experiences that go beyond the “basic” and “typical” repertoire. 

But wait, here’s where things get exciting! Brace yourself for a revelation: tutoring. Yes, tutoring brings a plethora of benefits that can work wonders for your resume and turbocharge your career prospects. 

In this article, we’ll explore why tutoring is not just a good job, but an absolute game-changer that you should definitely consider adding to your resume. We’ll also cover some tips for what to put on your resume and some examples! 

Displays Transferable Skills

Tutoring is not just about helping others academically; it also provides an opportunity for personal growth and the development of valuable transferable skills. As a tutor, you enhance your communication skills by effectively conveying complex concepts to students of varying levels of understanding

Hear that? That is the sound of a beautiful bullet point descriptor on your resume. But wait, it keeps getting better (This article is brimming with remarkable descriptors you can proudly add to your resume today). 

You also develop patience, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities as you tailor your teaching methods to meet individual student needs. These skills are highly sought after by employers in various industries and can greatly enhance your employability. 

Demonstrates Expertise in a Subject

By tutoring others, you not only showcase your expertise in the subject matter but also your incredible knack for sharing knowledge. It establishes you as a subject matter expert. Think about it. You reviewed the same material again and again and again. It is chiseled in your brain, so dazzle employers with your smarts and leave them clamoring for your expert status. 

Whether it’s your geeky love for social sciences or math, there’s no shame in showcasing your passion. “Passion is just as, if not more, important as experience in a job interview,” says Kristen J. Zavo, author of Job Joy: Your Guide to Success, Happiness, and Meaning in Your Career. Your enthusiasm can be truly inspiring and help you stand out from other candidates even if the subject matter isn’t directly related to the job you’re pursuing (though that would certainly be an advantageous plus). ‘

Highlights Leadership and Mentorship Abilities

Tutoring opens the door for you to step into a leadership role and become a trusted mentor. And let’s face it, these opportunities can be rare gems, especially when you’re just starting out in your career. 

When you guide and support students on their academic journey, it’s like being a real-life superhero—leading, inspiring, and making a difference in their lives. Talk about heartwarming stuff! And guess what? Employers absolutely adore those who can work their magic as mentors and motivate their team members. 

Shows Commitment and Dedication

Tutoring requires commitment and dedication as you invest time and effort in helping others succeed academically. By including tutoring on your resume, you demonstrate your commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others. Studies show a direct link between commitment levels and job performance. Employers appreciate candidates who exhibit dedication and a willingness to go the extra mile. 

Tips for Highlighting Tutoring Experience on Your Resume 

Did you know most resumes get no more than 10 seconds of attention from someone deciding whom to interview? That is not a whole lot of time. One needs to be concise and focus on outcomes. Here are a couple tips when adding tutoring to your resume:

  1. Showcase Student Success: Highlight how you helped students improve grades or understand challenging concepts.
  2. Emphasize Communication: Highlight your ability to explain concepts effectively and listen to students’ questions.
  3. Demonstrate Leadership: Mention any responsibilities like creating lesson plans. 
  4. Include Relevant Skills: List skills such as communication, patience, problem-solving, and adaptability.
  5. Provide Specific Examples: Mention the subjects you tutored and any notable achievements.


June 1880-June 1884

  • Tutored 50+ college-level students in various Economics classes, resulting in a 100% class pass rate. 
  • Developed personalized study plans based on students’ learning styles and goals, helping them grasp complex concepts. 


December 2022-current

  • Assisted 20+ students in developing effective study strategies and time management skills, resulting in improved organization and better academic outcomes.
  • Received an average rating of 4.7 on 100+ sessions. 
  • Utilized strong communication skills to explain difficult concepts in a clear and concise manner. 

Tutoring isn’t just your run-of-the-mill job; it’s a chance to grow, develop your skills, and make a real difference in people’s lives. When you include tutoring experience on your resume, you’re not just showing off your subject expertise, but also your leadership chops, unwavering commitment, and a whole lot of dedication. Plus, it’s like a secret sauce for boosting your communication and interpersonal skills, which employers go crazy for in any industry.

Embrace the perks of tutoring and set yourself up as the all-around superstar candidate in this wild, competitive job market!

Here are some other great resources for tips on writing resumes:

Timeless Tutoring Through the Ages

Step right into the enchanting world of tutoring as we embark on a journey through the ages. We will uncover the essence of this noble tradition. Then we will shed light on some extraordinary examples.

But first, what exactly is a tutor? A tutor is a knowledgeable and experienced guide who provides personalized support to students in a one-on-one or small-group setting. They tailor their instruction to fit each student’s unique needs. 

Tutors are like magical mentors. They use their expertise and teaching techniques to inspire confidence, ignite curiosity, and create an engaging learning experience. They go beyond traditional classroom instruction, empowering students to embrace their full potential. 

Elijah and Elisha

Let’s begin our journey with a tale from the ancient pages of the Bible, where prophets like Elijah and Elisha remind us of the qualities necessary for fruitful mentorship and the transformative power of a devoted protégé. 

Called by some the “most obvious mentorship story in the Bible,” Elisha served as Elijah’s faithful assistant, learning valuable lessons and observing his mentor’s habits, disciplines, and interactions with others. He demonstrated a determination to stay close to his mentor even in spite of difficulties. 

This touching account highlights that the journey of being under the tutelage of another can be challenging. However, for those who press on and remain faithful, the reward is great when the baton is passed on.

Aristotle and Plato

Now, let us fast forward a couple hundred years to ancient Greece. Greece was the pinnacle grounds for philosophers, mathematicians, and remarkable minds. Among the stars of this intellectual wonderland were none other than Aristotle and Plato. Both are shining examples of pupils who thrived under the tutelage of their wise mentors. 

Aristotle had the honor of learning directly from his mentor’s fountain of knowledge at Plato’s Academy. It was here that Aristotle’s brilliance blossomed, paving the way for his own incredible contributions to various fields of knowledge. Though, if you know your history, the two had some pretty differing views and areas of study. Nonetheless, the mentor-pupil connection between Plato and Aristotle (and Socrates and Plato) is the stuff of legends. This example showcases the extraordinary power of tutoring to shape intellectual giants.

More Examples Across History

There are many more such examples. Think of Confucius, the renowned Chinese philosopher, who served as a tutor to his disciples. Confucius taught his followers about ethics and social harmony.

Then there is Leonardo da Vinci, the brilliant artist and inventor, who took on apprentices whom he mentored and shared his knowledge of art, science, and engineering.

And we cannot forget how Ibn Sina (Avicenna), the Persian polymath. Ibn Sina acted as a tutor to students in medicine, philosophy, and other disciplines, leaving a lasting impact on Islamic scholarship.

Lastly, we highlight the contributions of women like Marie Curie, a trailblazing scientist, who mentored and inspired countless students. She shared her expertise in the fields of physics and chemistry with countless individuals. 

These examples demonstrate the enduring significance of tutoring and mentorship throughout the ages. They showcase the power of knowledge transmission. They demonstrate the positive impact it can have on generations to come.

This noble tradition has withstood the test of time. It always adapts and evolves to meet the needs of each era. Let us not forget that the magic of tutoring extends far beyond the realms of antiquity.

Tutoring Today

In today’s digital age, tutoring has embraced the wonders of technology. Tutoring continually opens the realm of infinite possibilities. Students and tutors can now connect across vast distances. Physical boundaries are transcended. Indeed, we live in a virtual world of learning.

Tutoring has woven its spell through the ages, leaving a trail of wonder and transformation. From the pages of the Bible to the realms of ancient Greece and beyond, this magical tradition has guided minds, nurtured brilliance, and sparked the joy of learning.

So, let the magic of tutoring continue to inspire and guide us on our quest for knowledge and growth.

5 Compelling Reasons to Get a Tutor

College life is tough. There is no denying that. One day you may be threatening to drop out and the next you are marveling at a good grade on a tough exam. When it comes to navigating the rollercoaster of university, having a tutor by your side can be a lifesaver. 

This article presents five compelling reasons why having a tutor significantly benefits you as a college student.

Personalized Attention 

AKA someone who knows the mud you are trudging through. In a bustling classroom with peers, it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. You may have a lecture with hundreds of students. It is by no means easy to get any one-on-one attention from the professor or teacher assistants. With a tutor, you can get that attention. 

A tutor tailors their teaching approach to your specific learning style and addresses any individual challenges or questions you may have. We are pretty confident it is far less intimidating to ask a “stupid” question to one person than in front of your entire class. 

This personalized attention fosters a greater understanding of the material and allows for you to fill in any gaps in your grasp of complex concepts. 

Improved Grades

Struggling to achieve the grades you desire? A tutor can be your academic ally. Music to your ears, eh? Tutors are an avenue to improve academic performance and higher grades. It is that simple. A study by San Bernardino Valley College revealed that students who receive extra academic help performed, on average, 13% better. 

Better Study Habits and Time Management 

Effective studying goes beyond merely memorizing facts. A tutor can impart invaluable study strategies and techniques that can revolutionize your approach to learning. 

They can guide you in developing efficient study habits, such as organizing study materials, creating comprehensive study plans, and utilizing time management skills. These essential skills not only benefit you during your college journey but also lay a solid foundation for lifelong learning and success.

Confidence Boost 

Confidence plays a pivotal role in achieving academic success. There is a direct link between self-esteem and academic achievement. Collaborating with a tutor can instill a sense of confidence in your abilities. As you gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter and witness your progress, your self-assurance naturally grows. 

Tutors can offer constructive feedback, highlight your strengths, and help you overcome academic obstacles. Get ready to feel boosted! A person cheerleader empowering you to tackle challenges head-on.

Career Preparation 

Beyond immediate academic benefits, tutoring can also contribute to your long-term career prospects. By leveraging the expertise of a tutor, you can acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in your future profession.

Seeking the assistance of a tutor can be a transformative decision for any college student. The personalized attention, improved grades, refined study habits, boosted confidence, and career preparation that come with tutoring are invaluable assets throughout your educational journey and beyond. Embrace the benefits of having a tutor and unlock your full potential as a college student.
Follow us on social media for more useful tips and tricks!



5 Helpful Tips for Work-School Balance

Balancing the demands of work and school can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies in place, it is possible to maintain a healthy equilibrium.

Whether you’re part of the 8 million students juggling both responsibilities or simply seeking advice on managing these aspects of your life, this article will provide you with five valuable tips to help you navigate the challenge.

Prioritize Your Responsibilities

Creating a prioritized to-do list is a great tool for managing work-school balance. Start by assessing the importance and urgency of each task. Give priority to your academic commitments. Arguably, as a college student, investing in your education is of more significance. By completing your schoolwork first, you’ll have a clearer mind to focus on your job responsibilities.

Create a Schedule

Developing a well-structured weekly schedule is crucial to staying organized and on track. Take into account your work hours, class times, study sessions, and other obligations. By adhering to your schedule as closely as possible, you can optimize your time management skills and ensure that you allocate sufficient time to both work and school.

Manage Your Time Effectively

To make the most of your time, utilize effective time management techniques. Utilize tools like timers, calendars, and reminders to help you stay organized and maintain focus. Avoid the temptation to multitask, as it can lead to reduced productivity and increased distractions. Instead, focus on one task at a time, completing it efficiently before moving on to the next.

Take Care of Yourself

Self-care is an essential component of maintaining a healthy work-school balance. Prioritize physical activity, healthy eating, and sufficient rest. By taking care of your well-being, you’ll maintain higher energy levels, enabling you to tackle your responsibilities with greater efficiency and effectiveness. Try out one of these apps to boost your self-care.

Communicate With Your Employer

Open and honest communication with your employer about your school schedule is key to achieving a harmonious work-school balance. Keep your employer informed about any conflicts that may arise due to your academic commitments. They may be willing to offer flexible scheduling options or alternative arrangements that can help accommodate your responsibilities.

Achieving a healthy work-school balance is no easy feat, but armed with these five essential tips, you can confidently navigate the challenges that come with juggling these responsibilities. By prioritizing tasks, creating a schedule, managing time effectively, taking care of yourself, and communicating with your employer, you’ll be well on your way to successfully balancing work and school.

Remember, you’re not alone—millions of students face similar challenges, and with determination and perseverance, you can overcome them and thrive in both spheres of your life.

Recommendations for Stretching Your Grocery Budget

The financial strain of college life often leaves students searching for ways to expand their grocery budget and alleviate the notorious “ramen diet.” If you’re looking to save money and make the most of your resources, these practical recommendations will help you stretch your budget without sacrificing your nutritional needs or breaking the bank.

Create a Budget

Crafting a detailed budget is a crucial step in gaining control over your finances. By tracking your expenses and income, you’ll gain a clear understanding of where your money is going and identify areas where adjustments can be made. Stick to your budget religiously, and you’ll find yourself saving more money each month. Here are some of the best budgeting apps

Get a Part-Time Job

Securing a part-time job while in college not only provides additional income but also offers valuable work experience and boosts your resume. Explore on-campus or off-campus job opportunities that align with your schedule and interests. The extra income earned can go a long way in expanding your grocery budget.

Look for Scholarships and Financial Aid

Maximize your financial resources by exploring scholarships and financial aid options available through your college or university. Many institutions offer grants, scholarships, and other forms of aid to assist students with tuition fees and other expenses. Research and apply for these opportunities to help lighten your financial burden. Federal Student Aid is a great resource!  

Be Mindful of Expenses

Practicing mindfulness when it comes to spending is essential for students on a tight budget. Evaluate your expenses critically and identify areas where you can cut back. Avoid unnecessary spending on items such as dining out, expensive clothing, and the latest technology. By curbing these expenses, you’ll free up more funds for your grocery budget.

Sell Items You Don’t Need

Take a look around your living space and identify items that are no longer useful or needed. These items can be sold online through platforms like eBay or Craigslist, or you can organize a garage sale to generate extra income. Not only will you declutter your space, but you’ll also add a financial boost to your grocery budget.


While the financial challenges of college life may seem overwhelming, implementing these practical recommendations will empower you to expand your grocery budget and enhance your overall financial well-being. By creating a budget, seeking part-time employment, exploring scholarships, being mindful of expenses, and selling unnecessary items, you’ll take significant steps toward financial stability and a healthier, more varied diet.

Remember, building the habit of saving money takes time and commitment, but the long-term benefits are well worth the effort. Review and adjust your budget regularly to ensure you’re making the most of your financial resources.

We understand the demands of college life. You’ve got this!

Tricks to Mastering College Life

The demands of applying to programs, writing essays, and building a well-rounded resume can sometimes lead to overwhelming stress. To help you navigate through the semester successfully, we’ve compiled a list of proven tips that will not only boost your academic performance but also enhance your overall well-being. Let’s dive in!

Prioritize and Make a Schedule

To conquer the flurry of responsibilities in college, effective time management is key. Start by creating a comprehensive schedule that accounts for classes, study sessions, and extracurricular commitments. 

Google Calendar is a great start or there are a plethora of other apps and resources for scheduling. Not feeling the digital vibe? Go old-school and embrace the charm of a physical planner. The key here is to choose what feels right for you. 

Break down larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks and assign specific deadlines to each. By organizing your time, you’ll stay focused, meet deadlines, and reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed.

Take Breaks and Practice Self-care

Amidst the academic hustle, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care and take regular breaks. Engage in activities that help you relax and recharge, such as exercise, meditation, or pursuing hobbies. You might be blown away with how impactful a 15 minute walk can be to improve your motivation and energy. 

These breaks will rejuvenate your mind, enhance productivity, and prevent burnout. Remember, your well-being is just as important as your academic pursuits. It may be easy to let your physical health slip. It is not worth it! 

Join a Club or Organization

College offers a vibrant community with diverse clubs and organizations. Take advantage of these opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests. 

Joining a club or organization not only provides a sense of belonging but also offers avenues for personal growth, leadership development, and valuable networking. Explore different options and find your tribe!

Seek Help When Needed

College presents its fair share of challenges, both academic and personal. Instead of struggling in silence, remember that there’s a support network available to you. Reach out to professors, teaching assistants, or academic tutors when you need clarification or guidance with coursework. 

Additionally, most colleges provide counseling services where professionals can offer support for managing stress, mental health concerns, or personal issues. Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Learn to Say No

With a plethora of opportunities at your fingertips, it’s easy to spread yourself too thin. Learning to say no is crucial for maintaining balance and focusing on what truly matters to you. 

Evaluate each opportunity based on your priorities and passions. It’s better to invest your time and energy in a few meaningful activities rather than stretching yourself too thin. Embrace the power of selective commitment.


College life may be filled with pressure, but by implementing these tips, you can excel academically while nurturing your overall well-being. Prioritize your tasks, schedule your time wisely, and don’t forget to take breaks and care for yourself. Engage with the college community through clubs and organizations, and remember that seeking help is a sign of strength. Finally, be mindful of your commitments and learn to say no to maintain a healthy balance. Embrace these strategies, and you’ll navigate college with confidence, resilience, and success. Here’s to a rewarding and fulfilling college experience!