Stutor’s Place in the Gig Economy Revolution

March 17, 2020. My rollercoaster, fun-filled freshman year at college came to a halting stop. My life was packed in the back of an old Mustang as I returned to my home in California with no clear idea of what lay ahead. 

No need to rehash it for you. The world was in disarray. A virus was on the loose.

People still needed to eat though. In fact, people seemed to want to eat more (and I’m not just saying that). Stress and uncertainty can do that to you. What did I do to capitalize on this? I downloaded the Doordash app. Gamechanger. 

It literally was a game. How much money could I make in a day? How efficient could I be? How would I optimize my location and the peak hours? These questions engrossed me.

In recent years, the job market has been transformed by gig jobs like Doordash. But why? I can think of a couple reasons, namely flexibility, autonomy, diverse skill development, and increased earning opportunities. And maybe the fun, too.

In this article, I’ll explore how the gig economy has contributed to job creation and examine the factors driving its growth. I’ll also discuss how Stutor fits into this category of gig jobs. 

Understanding the Gig Economy

What does gig economy even mean? The gig economy gets its name from individual tasks of work being akin to a ‘gig’. It is also referred to as a “sharing economy” or “collaborative economy”. How wholesome.

The gig economy is characterized by temporary, flexible, and on-demand work arrangements. Gig jobs may involve freelancing, independent contracting, or providing services through digital platforms (like Stutor!). 

Because of this freedom, workers in the gig economy typically have the freedom to choose their own projects, set their own schedules, and work with multiple clients simultaneously.

Factors Driving the Growth of Gig Jobs

For many, gig jobs help them cover gaps in income or create more of a cushion of savings. Others report that they are engaged in the gig market to control their schedule or be their own boss. 

Whatever the reason, roughly 16% of the American workforce is gig workers. That is about 1 in 6 workers. How is this happening?

Let’s explore some of the driving factors. 

Technology. That fancy phone you got in your hand? Yep. The growth of gig jobs can largely be attributed to the rapid advancement of technology, particularly the internet and mobile connectivity. This infrastructure provides the perfect grounds to support gig work.

COVID-19. If it was not already so, the pandemic changed the modern workforce to seek more flexibility, autonomy, and a better work-life balance. Gig jobs offer precisely that, allowing individuals to work on their terms, choose projects that align with their interests, and enjoy a flexible schedule.

Cost Efficiency for Businesses. Gig jobs offer businesses a cost-effective alternative to hiring full-time employees. Instead of incurring fixed labor costs, businesses can engage gig workers on a project-by-project basis, reducing overhead expenses while accessing specialized skills as needed.

Stutor in the Gig Economy

I remember first explaining Stutor to my parents. I babbled for five minutes, trying to help them understand the simple business model. My explanation was falling flat on its face. Then I hit the golden line: “It is like Uber… but for tutoring!” Immediately, their heads tilted back in understanding. 

Stutor could be a brick-and-mortar tutoring business, but where is the draw in that? 

Stutor could hire professional teachers to tutor students, but where is the draw in that? 

Instead, Stutor leverages mobile apps to create a simplified process to connect students—at the same university—to each other for tutoring. 

Here’s how Stutor aligns with the principles of the gig economy:

  1. On-Demand Service: Stutor runs 24/7 for students to get the help they need when they need it. This allows those being tutored to find tutors quickly when they require assistance, and tutors can fill their schedules with sessions that align with their schedules. 
  2. Rating and Reviews: Like other gig platforms, Stutor incorporates a rating and review system. Positive reviews and high ratings can help tutors build a reputation within the app and attract more students, fostering a competitive yet supportive environment (think my 2020 Doordash fun). 
  3. Payment Structure: Tutors are paid for their services on a per-session basis, and the app platform takes a commission or service fee for facilitating the connection between tutors and students. This pay-as-you-go model aligns with the gig economy’s focus on task-based payment rather than traditional employment contracts.

As the gig economy continues to evolve, it will likely play an even more significant role in the future of employment. The flexibility and opportunities it offers will attract individuals seeking alternative work arrangements, while businesses will continue to embrace the cost-effective benefits of engaging gig workers. Ultimately, the gig economy revolution is reshaping traditional employment models and paving the way for a more dynamic and flexible workforce.